Thursday, August 15, 2013


Sitting here in the middle of the night, feeling a bit down and listening to this, enjoy.

Monday, April 29, 2013


Sometimes when bad things happen to you you just want to forget them, all the pictures, all the feelings. Just forget what has scared the hell out of you, what has hurt your body and soul so deeply and changed your life forever. Well, you are absolutely able to, but at some point the past catches up with you. Mine has started catching up with me and I am scared, really really scared. Memories, thousands of little pieces..

Like a butterfly

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Life is a bitch

And has definitely not been good with me the last months, I got really depressed before Christmas and have been struggling a lot. My dad came to pick me up and I have been at home for a longer period, which has helped. I am still depressed, the anxiety is messing with my brain and food is still a topic for its own, but I am a bit better. I still just want to give up, pull the blanket over my head and never get out again, but as grandma says: we just don't give up!